Written Sound
Onomatopoeia Dictionary
Words that sound like the thing they mean: Imitative words. From the Greek "onoma" (name) and "poiein" (to make)


sound of a punch or kick. from:
Dragon Ball Z Vol 1, by Akira Toriyama
Find more hit / punch words



name for bird genus Rissa, two closely related seabird species in the gull family Laridae, the Black-legged Kittiwake (R. tridactyla) and the Red-legged Kittiwake (R. brevirostris). The name is derived from its call, a shrill "kittee-wa-aaake, kitte-wa-aaake"

animal bird

wak wak

duck vocalization. More duck sounds


sound of a hit or punch (Batman comics). Find more hit/ punch words

Search tips:

- Fewer searchterms (eg. cat will yield more results than cat sounds)

- Try synonyms (eg. if saber does not give you results, try sword, cutlass or blade)

- Truncate (eg. walk will give more results than walking because it returns everything that has walk in it including walked and walks)